Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 13 December 2013

waxing philosphical I amd...

Friday 13 November
Unlucky for some but not for me.
What some may perceive as bad luck may of course be an unfortunate set of circumstance, but luck well...
As Jonathan Bach wrote in his book about the reluctant messiah, and I'm working form memory here so I may not get it exactly right.
All the things in your life are there because you have drawn them there; what you choose to do with them is up to you.
By drawn I mean attracted them to us rather than putting pen to paper to create a picture.
On second thoughts, I guess it is a picture of sorts that we are drawing in our brains.

Those of you who know me may by now have realised that
I am eternal optimists. My glass is always half full.
I saw a great poster the other day that said something like You shouldn't mind stormy weather because it give you the opportunity to dance in the rain
Remember when you were a kid, how much fun it was when it was raining to put on the wet weather gear and jump in puddles. It's a pity that most grown ups seem to have forgotten the pure joy in simple things like splashing in puddles.
Then there was Sydney Freeman the psychologist from the TV programme M*A*S*H ( and yes I know he was the creation of somebody's imagination and not a real psychologist), anyway he said Ladies and gents take my advice pull down you pants and slid on the ice.
OK it would be a bit chilly, bit what I think he was saying was throw out your inhibitions and live life.
Some other wise person left instructions to Dance like nobody's watching'
So kick off your inhibitions and leave your cares where they belong, you may not have control of what is going on around you but you have total control over how you let it affect you and how you react to it....
Nelson Mandela is a prime example, the world would be a much better place if we all followed his example.

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