Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 21 December 2013

Rainy Saturday

Not much to write about today…I seem to be saying or at least writing that a lot latel. Bu tit is true.
I got up early to write, leaving The Man snoozing in our nice warm bed. I’m trying to turn the basic info that I know about my paternal grandparents into a story. I Keep coming up against brick walls. For example according to the 1911 census granny was living with an aunt and her occupation was a worker in a jam factory.  There were a couple of jam factories in the area Mortons and Cross and Blackwell.  The address on the census is at Victoria Docks, but these days there is no street there of that name.
That area has considerable changed since then and so the street may well not exist.
I want my writing to be historically accurate which had me off on a tangent this morning leaving the writing behind and getting more and more side tracked.

Despite the fact that the weather was a bit grotty we popped out to our now favourite eatery at Crystal Palace called Alistairs. They do a very nice all day brekky and pancakes to die for. The price is right too.
Fed and watered we hopped on a 249 but to go visit some friends to wish them a merry Christmas. It was nice spend some time with them.
Now we are tucked up cosy and warm in our little flat and I am about to go put a pizza in the cooker for our tea.

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