Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Four legs good...

Now there’s something you don’ see every day.
The Man and I were standing at the bus stop this evening on our way home and would you believe it a man walked past with a ferret on a lead.Calm as you please as though it is
Yes really a ferret.
The little critter was lolloping along ahead of its owner so it was the first thing I saw. Initially  thought it was big rat.
Folks have some odd pets over here
From the local pet store along with kitten sand puppies and fish you can buy snakes, liards, spiders scorpions, large spiders , hermit cabs and axolotls. Now would you like to give a home to any of those creepy crawlies.
Well except the axolotls. I’m rather partial to them.
The Man isn’t though so I guess I will have to continue to admire them from afar, just as I do those big white parrots and horses. Not going to have either of those either.
I don’t know what it is about axolotls that I find so interesting.

The name “axolotl” is thought to have originated from the Aztecs, derived from two words: atl, meaning “water”, and xolotl meaning “monster”. Axolotls do not develop adult characteristics but retain their gills, fins and other larval characteristics throughout their life. They live permanently in water, in the wetlands and canals associated with Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco, adjacent to Mexico City. Once eaten as a delicacy in Mexico City, they are now a protected species in Mexico and Critically Endangered in the wild.

Don't you think that's cute

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