Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 24 April 2012

safe and sound in Switzerland

Well that was a bit of a challenge, all the heading are in German.

Bit of a shock to have the alarm go off at a quarter to four this morning. Taxi arrived half an hour later, good thing we were all packed up and ready. Twenty minutes later we were dropped off at the station to get the train to Gatwick. A nice easy run. At the airport we looked at the board, but couldn't see any numbers that married up with our flight. Hmmm. Then we realised that we needed to be in the North Terminal, phew. Bit of a trek to get there but we had plenty of time. More then we needed as there was a delay of three-quarters of an hour due to 'technical issues.' Soon though we were on our way up into the clouds, and landed at Geneva just over an hour later. That was the hard part. The rest should be easy as we are part of an organised tour. I did try to get us here independently but just could not do it for the same price.

We soon found ourselves in the centre of Geneva and with a couple of hours to ourselves we went walkabout. Past shops with well known names and some we didn't recognise at all. It was a bonus to discover a lunchtime concert in one of the churches. Absolutely magic sounds.
It was quite cool here as expected, around ten degrees. Buying lunch gave me a chance to use my very rusty school French, good thing the colas speak English too.
The Man had been in Geneva about 20 years ago and was keen to retrace his steps around the lake front. No fountain playing today as it was a bit too windy.

Back on the bus at 1630 and more than a bit weary, we were driven out of the city and inland through farmland and acres a and acres of vineyards some perched precariously on tiny terraces. Higher we drove following the railway line until finally arriving at Château D'oux which will be our home for the next five nights.

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