Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 21 April 2012

A nice day for a walk...

No rain today, in fact we woke up to rather a nice day, if a bit cool. So as it was a weekend The Man put lunch together for us while I finished off the morning chores and soon we were on our way down the hill to the station to catch the Southern to Victoria Station. We decided it was high time to take advantage of our membership to English Heritage and see what there was to be seen in London.
Apsley House, just up from Hyde Park Station, that’s what there is to be seen. OK so you probably haven’t heard of Apsley House, but I bet you have heard of the Duke of Wellington. Yes, him that discovered the Wellington boot. The house was built between 1771 -1778 for the Apsley family, hence the name. By 1807 it had come into the hands of the first Duke of Wellington and there it firmly stayed until 1947 when the cost of running the place became too much for the family coffers. It was then that the current Duke decided the best thing to do was gift it to the government, provided the family could keep a few private rooms which they still hold today. Death duties and increasing costs meant that National Trust and English Heritage were gifted many fine old buildings and their contents.
We spent a couple of hours wandering through the rooms, some with the most incredibly ornate ceilings, their walls just covered in magnificent paintings. Then it was defiantly time for lunch so we walked across the road to Hyde Park and found ourselves a nice seat in the sun.

 While we ate we were visited by a very cheeky squirrel and a bold Blue Tit that perched on the fence just behind us.

Hunger satisfied it was still a bit early to head home, so we did a bit of exploring away from Hyde Park and found ourselves in Berkley Square, unfortunately there was not a nightingale in sight. What we did see was a group of carved heads, and very nice they were too.

Made from some sort of conglomerate marble, probably volcanic in origin

  On a walk around the square we wondered what the little crowd was outside one of the shops so being nosy we investigated. It was the Bentley dealership.And sitting in pride of place was a beautiful white Bugatti, only £1000000 and would you believe it, it was already 2 years old.  Not a bad price for a  used car. 

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