Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 16 April 2012

By the light... but there's no silvery moon out there tonight.

Well how about that then… Last night as we were doing our before bed chores I happened to look out of our kitchen window. This window is at head height and is over our sink. It looks toward Crystal palace and we can see one of the aerials. Nothing exciting I hear you say, well you probably would. So what was special about last night? Give me a mo and I’ll tell you.  The areal usually just has three red lights spaced out up the length of it. But last night the tower was putting on a light display that held our attention for about 20 minutes. Why would they we speculated. Well the Queens Jubilee is later this year and so is that mad crazy sports event that London will be hosting in August this year.  
This evening when we visited the local library we discovered the real reason. It’s because the TV signal that is being transmitted for the tower will be turned off on Wednesday. We are going digital. Not that anyone could have missed that we were. The advertising billboards are everywhere.
On Wednesday evening there will be a more spectacular display at 2100hours, as more than 200,000 watts – 7.5 billion candlepower – of energy-efficient lighting,the same wattage used to light a Eiffel Tower in Paris, will illuminate the 219 metre high structure. It should be visible all over London, culminating in a a shaft of light that will reach skywards representing the invisible digital TV signals.

 Far left and right were taken from our kitchen window, the middle one was taken at the park

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