Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 5 April 2012

A late night, Celtic music and a tall building... got to be a song in title in there somewhere lol

At 2300 hours and The Man and I have just got in. we have been to see Loreena Mckennit at the Barbican.never heard of her? Well neither had I. She is a Canadian born Celtic singer with an absolutely amazing voce and a great backing band. well worth a look at these links

We walked from London Bridge to the Barbican, only about 20 minutes and got a good view of The Shard. It has grown a lot since I saw it last.

 The amazing growing Shard. it is the tallest building
 in Europe, at over 1000 ft when it is completed

And now, it’s goodnight from me and its goodnight from Him

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