Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 20 April 2012

A bit of a ramble...

I’ve said it before and by golly I’m going to say it again. Where does the time go? If anyone out there figures it out let me know because I wasn’t some back!
There’s an add on TV at the moment. Set about 60-70 years ago (I think) a funny old car drives through the streets, ridiculed by all who see it the poor car goes and hides out in solitude. Flick forward to today and the car is now a beautiful sleek modern model. It’s the theme song that attracts me. Danny Kaye singing the Ugly Duckling song from an old movie about Hans Christen Anderson
He was and is a favourite singer actor of mine.  From movies with Louis Armstrong to children’s stories like The Magic Toyshop he was a very versatile performer. They don’t make them like that anymore unfortunately. His funny songs and funny faces had us in fits of laughter. Then there were the  'five tissue' songs like those from The Five Pennies. RIP and thank you Danny Kaye.
When I was about 11-12 we moved from our very ordinary house into the accommodation over a shop. The State Lounge in Jackson Street Petone to be precise. How exciting is that for me and my sister to live right next door to a picture theatre. Before we moved the ‘flicks’ was a Saturday treat. Now we could go to the 11 o’clock, the two o’clock and the eight o’clock shows all on the same day.  It’s no wonder that I still love the movies. Not the end of the world armageddon type, those of you who know me know that I much prefer a Finding Nemo type of movie.

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