Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 4 April 2012

sweets, golf, birds and edward Lear.

It was supposed to be a wet day and a bit cool today, but it was actually fairly pleasant if a bit cool. I worked at the other site today, as I do on alternate weeks. Often it is very quiet so I always come with plenty to do. I needn’t have bothered as it was actually quite busy.
You never quite know, when you come up the escalator at Canary Wharf if there will be some sort of display in the plaza area. For a while the lolly man was there, a large canopied trailer that is chocka block with sweets. This morning the big trailer was gone. Instead there was, complete with blow up frames covered in netting, a pop up golf driving range. Pretty girls were handing out advertising leaflets that invited people to come and try their hand at a new variety of club. Not for me, no thank you I did play once, in a fun tournament when we lived in PNG. I have to admit to being more interested in the wild life around the course that I was in the game.
At lunch time I went out for a walk and to pick up my pack from the shoe repairer, another story that, and on my way back I decided to have look to see if Mrs, or perhaps Mr grebe was still sitting, and yes there she he was and while I was watching the partner bird paddled up and check on its mate. I was hoping that they would change places so that I could count the eggs, but no such luck. Further along I spotted a Canada Goose who also looked as though she/he was sitting on a nest.  There were also a couple of cootes that looked like they were sitting too. I certainly will keep an eye on them.

 Mrs, or is it Mr Grebe on the nest.

Have I said before that last year The Man and I were lucky enough to get tickets to tie making of a BBC TV show of a long running radio programme, Just a Minute. For the last week we have watched the odd programme but not the one we watched. Well this evening we were once again in time to see it. Half way through I thought ‘gee, that looks a bit like the back of my man’s head’ The Nicholas Parsons began to recite the Edward Lear poem The Owl and The Pussycat, and we knew at once that it was the very one we saw being made.

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