Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Tuesday thoughts

The weather has suddenly become cooler and in some areas in the north particularly there is a threat of snow. I think The Man and I must be getting used to the temperature because our walk down to the station this morning in a balmy four degrees didn’t feel cold at all. We think the forecasters are pretty spot on with their predictions which means that the possibility of a bad weather weekend it pretty high. Not to worry as we always have plan B. I guess you’ll just have to wait and a few more days to find out what we will be up to over Easter.
Something pretty unusual happened to me this afternoon after work. I actually ad to come home all by myself. OK so it wasn’t a big deal, but it isn’t something that happens very often at all The Man texted me early this afternoon saying that he was going to work a few extra hours and that he would meet me at home. Which he did.
Having access to the internet makes living this far away from home very bearable. On Facebook I can keep up with what the kids (when the actually do add something to their pages) and grandees (who do contribute regularly). So I was deighted to see an aentry written by our oldest granddaughter that she has been accepted as an exchange student to go to France. She won’t be coming over until mid-2013, but at the end of her time at the beginning of 2014. It will be great to be able to show her London and even to explore further afield.
We really are enjoying being over here. I have said for years that I wanted to come and live d work over here, and her we are. I wanted the things that were ordinary in my parents’ lives to be that way in mine. That is happening; no longer do I exclaim over St Pauls, t is just a part of the landscape. I have yet to go to the whispering gallery, that is still on the to-do list. That list is growing faster than things are being ticked off it. So

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