Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 15 April 2012

A walk in the country...

Not a bad day to go and do one of our self-guided tours. Local rains not running from our station due to engineering works so we hopped on board the Southern, and found our way to Victoria and then on to the metropolitan line for the hour run out to Chalfont and Latimer. That’s the name of the station. We’ve been out this way before when we went to Amersham, but his time we got off the train a few stops earlier.
Following the instructions we soon found ourselves walking through woodland. The trees are slowly cladding themselves in light green and on the ground around them the bluebells are carpeting the undergrowth. Very pretty, and peaceful with just a few birds twittering. 

 Out of the wood and on our right, as it should be according to the directions, we stopped at a local park and had our lunch in the sun under the trees. Not too many people about, but we were suddenly interrupted by a very large dog who thought our food smelled too inviting to pass. With a bit of encouragement we were able to persuade it that it should go back to its rather embarrassed owners.  
Lunch consumed, we went back to the woodland and continued the walk until we came to a Manor House, closed unfortunately, but it did have some rather interesting chimneys. And a lovely old church. St. Michael’s. 

Built originally in the 11th century, but then replaced by the solid structure, we visited today, in the 12th century. As always happens in these old churches, the peaceful silence of the interior folded itself around us. Beautiful stained glass windows filtered the pale sun and created a very atmospheric interior. One side of the church is locked off from the public, but we could see into it through the arched interior windows. In there are the tombs of the family of the Duke of Bedford no less. 

Before retracing our footsteps we walked around the small grassed area to admire some of the old building ,and the village sign. The threatened rain only fell when we were in the train on our way back, but by the time we arrived at Crystal Palace the sun was shining again. All in all another great day out. 

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