Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 2 April 2012

A bit of fun and foolery...

So yesterday was April fool’s day, did you get fooled? I certainly didn’t’ Reminds me of a couple of NZ TV   spoofs.
The first was seriously tongue in cheek programme about gum boots for turkeys. I kid you not
Then there was the one about the farmer who played music on his wire fence.
Country Calendar also had a remote control sheep dog, the gullible public actually believed this one and there were many protests about cruelty to animals. It is a fairly long clip but I think well worth the time.
OK enough about the TV. At school a favourite trick was to cut a small window in the base of the tray of a matchbox then line the tray with blood stained cotton wool/ The idea was to slip your thumb into the box so that when the cover was slid off it looked for all the world as though you had an amputated thumb nestling inside the matchbox. Another was to kale out as though there was a nail right through your finger. Nails with special bends in them so that the curve went around the finger and when a bandage was applied it would look as though the nail had been driven through the finger. Complete with bloody paint decoration of course.
Yesterday at Fenton House we stepped out onto the balcony to admire the view.  We looked out over another walled garden next door. Overhead we spotted a helicopter that was hovering in one place. Then in the distance we heard a siren that became louder and louder until the police car shot by the house. Shortly afterwards the helicopter moved off. One of the TV programmes we see occasionally is Police Interceptors. In it, police often use helicopters to assist the police in cars to track fleeing villains. I think we had witnessed the aerial part of just such a chase. I wonder if we will ever see it on the box.
Talking about things on the box we are still waiting to see the TV programmed that we were the audience in. The series is screening at the moment, but so far we haven’t seen the one we watched being made. I wonder if we ever will

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