Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 12 April 2012

Not much to say to say today...

Well will you look at that, well of course you can’t, but on TV I have just identified a large black bird that we saw on the weekend at Leeds Castle. A jackdaw. Smaller than a crow or a rook but quite a bit bigger than a blackbird. Well that answers that question.
Not much to write about. A pretty ordinary day at work. I have been trying to work with HR to organise a couple of study days for myself and my colleague. A week or so ago the boss asked me to write a couple of descriptions about specific things we do in relation to my job so as it was quiet this afternoon I got a couple  of these done, which was quite satisfying.
Family Story…well sort of
Getting back to my search for twiglets on my family tree and the mention of George Pirrett in an artivle about the 1889 dock strike. I posed a question on Genes Reunited to see if anyone could help identify this man. Well they came up trumps for me. I have new website about parish registers to search and not only that through a link I have found an address for this George as he was the secretary of a seaman’s union. Will keep you posted.

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