Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 27 April 2012

Another day in Switzerland

Today's excursion took us to the northern lakes district. Another beautiful day with the temperature reaching 22. I was trying to figure out how far south we are compared to London, where the weather has not been that warm. Gave it up though, not easy to do for this bear of little brain.
Our first stop was at Morten a very pretty medieval walled village. We were amazed by the age of the buildings, 1700 and something. Cook was born around the same time, and here in this village and many others people just like us were living and working and constructing very substantial buildings. We had a couple of hours to walk about the old streets and found our way up onto a high walk that looked over the town. Must have been part of the battlements defence system, as usual we got chatting to other tourists, a German couple who like us were second time arounders.As we got to the end of the walk we could hear music and following the sound discovered that someone was practicing the organ in the beautiful old church

Back on the bus again we headed to Neuchatel, literally New Castle. Again situated on a lake. The man and I wandered around admiring the architecture. Again we found a beautiful old church, no music this time, its dark blue vaulted ceiling decorated with thousands of stars.Ornate tombs sat either side of the alter, and a circular stained glass window muted the sunlight.

 Back on the bus for our last stop,Yverden Les Bain, a medieval spa town again situated on a lake, well we were in the northern lake district. There is a castle and cathedral here, but we were a bit sore-footed by now so we spent our hour and a half sitting in the shade of a tree in the Japanes Garden enjoying an ice-cream and a cold drink.

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