Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 23 April 2012

We're leaving in a jetplane...

Not much writing going on here today, for the last hour or so I have been busy packing 'cos The Man and I will be getting up bright and early tomorrow morning  and him and me are off in a big tin budgie to Switzerland for a week. Not sure about the internet connection there but will do my best to add some pictures and a story or two. I will try to keep up my daily posting on the blog blog as I have been since the beginning of the year.
It has been a bit of an a uncomfortable day for me today. Why so? Well remember me writing on Sunday about Apsley House with its beautiful ceilings? we were there for a good couple of hours and I have a crick in my neck to prove it. Was quite copable until this afternoon when I tried to hold  the handset of my phone between my shoulder and ear.   Yeowch.

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