Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 8 January 2012

Yes cinders you shall go to the ball...

Sunday 8 January 2012
Another item’s been ticked off our to-do list.
Tonight we went to a pantomime…oh yes we did. Lol
The last night of Cinderella and what a great show it was. Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to go to a ‘proper panto’ I’ve seen productions on TV but nothing comes anywhere near close to a really truly live performance, ugly sisters and all. The star studded cast gave us an absolutely brilliant performance at the Hackney Empire theatre. If you’ve ever been to the refurbished Civic Theatre in Auckland then you will have an idea of how the Empire looks. From the Red velvet partially smocked curtain to the Occular, a portion of the night sky seemingly set into the ceiling. It is in fcy an air-conditioning system, letting the hot air out. The Hackney empire was built in record time, just 38 weeks, in 1901 and many famous stars have performed on its stage, I including Cliff Richards and Louis Armstrong.
Well don Hackney Empire, can’t wait for next year. I hope the link below works, fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. I took the girls to a panto a few years ago with Mia and Jacinda, it was Cinderella as well,
    hilariously funny. I loved how you got to join in. It was my first panto too. Glad you got to go.
