Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 28 January 2012


Saturday 28 January 2012
Yesterday evening after work we caught the train over to Colchester. A short hour ride away from London. By fast train that is. So by half past seven we had found out accommodation, just a short walk away from the station. A bit basic, but the bed was comfy,  and there was plenty of hot water in the shower. We slept fairly well too, despite the fact that the room is on the road side. Thank heavens for double glazing.
This morning we found our way to cousin Sheila’s by bus. When we first came over here we found it is a bit too difficult and expensive to own a car. As well as road tax, insurance, MOT, and the cost of fuel, we would have had to pay a fortune to park it where we lived before. That is if we had allocated parking for our house number, which we did not. So we would have had to park it a bout half a kilometre away. When we moved to Crystal palace one thing we wanted was allocated parking. We do have that, but still choose not to own a vehicle. It is so easy to get around in London, and National Express coach service is very well priced.  As well as that, when we go by bus or coach The Man doesn’t miss out on viewing the scenery as he would if he was doing the driving. He cost of travel is quite low too, we both have, in The Man’s words a geriatric pass. This gives us free travel on all London Trains and buses, as well as some out of London too. So when coming to somewhere like Colchester, the geriatric pass gets us to the end of zone 6 which means that we only need to purchase an extension to our trip.
We had a lovely day reminiscing with my cousin, and trying to put names to people on different pictures. The last time we met up was when she came over to NZ and that was quite a few years ago. The morning flew by very fast and too soon we had to break for lunch. So off to the local tavern for a very nice pub lunch. By the time we got back to my cousins house it was just about time for us to return to our hotel.  We’ll meet up again tomorrow

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