Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 23 January 2012


Monday 23 January 2012
A working day for both me and The Man. Not that it is too hard to go to our separate places of employment. Me to Canary Wharf and Him a bit father on the city.
We get up at 0550 and begin out morning routine, him into the shower while I start the packed lunches, make the bed and get clothes out. Then my turn in the shower and The Man finishes the lunches and gets breakfast ready. At 0645, no later or we will not get our train, we leave for the ten minute walk down to the station. If a bus arrives at the stop we pass we will wave it down and ride down the hill.  Some days we do and some we don’t.
 The train leaves at exactly 0657, and not a second before. We have time to read a little on the way in and as we board at the beginning of the run we always get a seat. Not so for me when I change at Canada Water to go the one stop on the Jubilee line to Canary Wharf. Some days I have to push my way onto the tube carriage. Not something I was able to do initially. Not a problem now though. At CW we are disgorged and I follow the throng up two sets of escalators out into the chill morning air. The Man goes on several more stations, changes trains and finally gets to his stop about 20 minutes later.


  1. rather you than me, and i suppose you do it all again in reverse at the end of the day??

  2. Yup, and I meet The Man on he way home too. He usually gets a set and when I get on at Canada Water he gives it to me, he is a great chap.:)
