Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 19 January 2012

Chain of thought...

Thursday 19 January 2012
So far so good , I’ve managed to write every day. Sometimes I have no idea what it is I am going to write until the words appear on the screen in front of me. Today is like that.  I was chatting with one of my docs today and she told me that apart from her mothers, there has been a doctor in each generation as far back as anyone can remember, and one of them was physician to a King.

It took me back to my polytech days. The assignment was to to identify our ‘Nursing Role Models’. I think I just made something up, because I couldn’t figure it out. No one in the family was involved with nursing and as far as I could remember I’d had no contact with any ‘nurse’
Later though as I got more interested in finding out about my family history I realised that Mum was my role model. She was my ‘nurse’ when I was sick and her own ‘role models’ would have been the nurses who cared for her during her own childhood experiences in hospital. Much of Mum’s childhood was spent in and out of hospitals with diphtheria and pneumonia as well as asthma.

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