Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 9 January 2012

A bit of philosophy

Monday 9January 2012
Two memorable things happened within the last couple of days. Both significant in different ways. One, a ballooning tragedy back home in NZ that took the lives of 11 people, the other, was Steven Hawkings reaching another milestone in his incredible life. So where I hear you ask… go on ask… is the link between two seemingly unconnected events?
The link of course is birthdays. Age 21 Steven Hawking was diagnosed with the disastrous motor neurone disease and given only two years to live. Defying all expectations, he has, for the last 50 years lead as normal a life as was possible, given that he requires the  around the clock care and attention of a dedicated team. It is as though his immobile body is merely a vehicle for his amazing brain. He writes, travels and lectures about things that are way above the comprehension of most of us. And seems set to keep on keeping on for some time yet.
On  bright summer morning in Carterton NZ a balloon flight began that was one of the passengers eagerly looked forward to birthday present. The flight carrying ten passengers and their pilot made a last heart-breaking flight that was witnessed by friends and family who watched helplessly as the balloon hit power lines and was engulfed in flames.
So where am I going with this?
The lesson here is to live life. To dance, if you will pardon the now much used saying, like no one is watching.  My man and I do our best to adhere to this philosophy, we want to wear out rather than rust up. To have as few things as possible that we will one day say I wish I had done that. Remember, life is not a dress rehearsal it is the real performances.

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