Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 22 January 2012

Bank holidays and computors

Sunday 22 January 2012
So what did we get up to today?
Not much really, a quiet day catching up with emails, trying to sort out holidays later in the year and doing the grocery shopping. Didn’t get up until late, which was really nice. It is a long weekend at home. So we feel like we are doing the same thing as those at home. Talking about long weekends I checked out the long weekends at home and compared them to here and I think we are definitely on the losing side here in the  UK. No Wiatangi day here and no anniversary weekends or Anzac Day either. No Queens Birthday weekend and no Labour day. So that makes 5 days over the year in New Zealand plus Easter. Here, Easter Weekend is the first long weekend of the year, then May 7th, June 4th, then August 27th and that’s it. So I am feeling a bit hard done by here in terms of extra days off. Not enough to make me want to come home though, just yet.
As it is usually me who does the computer work I thought it wa about time that The Man got a bit more computer savvy, after all you never know when he might have to (without me looking over his shoulder)
First lesson, internet banking, and after a couple of frustrating false starts I think he finally got the hang of it. Little does he know that I will be testing him on it in a day or so.

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