Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 12 January 2012

Time flys..........

Thursday 12 January 2012
Back home in NZ it is already tomorrow and our eldest daughter’s birthday, she is 40 mumble…
Well how did that happen? I remember when she turned 21, saying to my father how it made me feel old. ‘Well how do you think it makes me feel’ was his reply. 
Via the marvel that is the internet and skype it was easy to make a phone call home to sing her the now traditional and somewhat out of tune birthday song. A tradition begun many years ago by my father, and now carried down to the next and hopefully the next generation.

Isn’t it funny how traditions start? I remember hearing about woman who always asked the butcher to cut off the shank end of the leg of lamb…that was when we actually went to the butcher to buy the meat and could afford to buy a whole leg… anyway one day the butcher says to her, So why do you always ask me to cut that bit off? Her reply was ‘Well Mum always does it that way. When she got around to asking Mum why. The reply was, Oh have to have it that way otherwise it won’t fit into my roasting pan. 

Recently Kate, now married to Prince William turned 30, and I said to one of the receptionist that it was a long time since I was that age and she asked how long ago that was. She replied that I was sprightly. Well I ask you sprightly is a word I use to describe and old lady who is pretty fit and has no trouble getting around.

Hang on a bit, unfortunately that description just about fits me. OMG
Not that I feel old at all, well how does that saying go age is just a number, old is inside your head. Something like that.  I definitely subscribe to that theory.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you tell that woman that MY MOTHER IS NOT AN OLD LADY!!!! lol, and I hope that when you are, that you will be a sprightly one. Love you lots ma
