Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Umbrellas and knitting needles

Tuesday 24 January 2012
Brollys are in order today, fold up variety that fits easily in the bag,. His and mine were bought in a one pound store, for the mighty sum of £1 each. OK they are a bit loose and occasionally blow inside out, but very useful to have in the bag, just in case. I needed mine at lunchtime when I went out for a walk, which made me think about umbrella etiquette. So do you tip towards the approaching brolly carrier or away from them? Watching other brolly-ites I think the tip away method is favoured by most people. Unless you have one of the huge multi coloured sport variety that most people give way to. That reminds me of a favourite song from when I was a kid, it was called if I had a golden Umbrella,   

For some reason thinking about brollys had me thinking about knitting, I know, couldn’t fathom the connection either, apart from the fact that they both involve long pointy things.
Mum was a great knitter and made some lovey sweaters for me and my sister, must have made some for her and Dad too. She used to get a magazine called Stitchcraft and I remember one cardigan she made me. It was dark chocolate brown with pink panels up the front. Linking the two panels together was a pattern that looked like an elaborate letter M, which in the brown panel was pink, and brown in the pink panel. I really liked that cardi.

I used to knit a bit too and made most of the kid’s jumpers, not to mention dolls clothes too. That is until sweatshirts became popular, then I went to Knitwit classes and made them out of sweat-shirting instead.  When I was at tech one of my classmates did continental knitting and by could she do it fast. One of these days I’ll learn to do that .

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