Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 3 January 2012

January 3 2012

You wouldn’t believe the weather today, after the lovely sunshine of yesterday, we woke to high winds and rain. Pretty normal stuff for NZ, but here it caused no end of trouble with disruptions to public transport and bridge closures. So on the first day back at work for the New Year lots of people were later for work. I tis pretty well accepted that if you came by any form of public transport there will be days when you will be late, no questions asked. Just saying that your train/bus was delayed and you get a knowing nod.
Reading the paper on the way in, is all doom and gloom, I really don’t know why I bother, well I had no book to read, so the work of fiction that is the (free) morning paper Metro had to do instead.
I now have my third iPhone, Bruce bought me another one. He said that the man who served him in the Apple store told him about two other men who had been in today to buy new phones. These men had had their phones grabbed from their hands while they were using them while walking in the street.
I tried activating the ‘find my phone’ that I had downloaded, only to discover that he phone is turned off so the app will not work. So is it worth paying for that sort of app?
The only good thing about it is that all the info/contacts and downloads that were on the phone are stored on the cloud so all I have to do when I get my replacement sim card is connect the phone to the computer and download it all.
The service provider Orange is great and well and truly on the ball and I should receive my replacement sim, with the same number, within a few days.

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