Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 17 January 2012

TV Watching... or not

Tuesday 17 January 2012
There’s a new TV show being advertised over here a female cop duo, which reminded me of an oldie called Cagney and Lacy. Back up the truck to 1981 and it was one of the best cop shows on TV.
But these days there are also lots of cheap to make and not worth watching reality shows. Cheap to make because there is next to no script, no set and no actors to pay, that means no royalties to pay either when shows are re-run and re-run and re-run.  Why on earth would these so called celebrities put themselves up for humiliation and agree to be overrun with bugs or worse. Then there are the shows that put their contestants through an impossible obstacle course, eliminating them by knocking them of their feet with huge rubber covered arms.  Some people call it entertainment, but then some thought watching hangings and beheading was entertainment too.
Give me back the days when programmes like Z.Cars, Hill Street blues and Cagney and Lace, Ironsides and Perry Mason. Not to mention, Petticoat Junction, and Green Acres. Where are the artful scriptwriters who created programmes like MASH and Last of the Summer Wine and Inspector Morse.
Here in the UK we have to pay a TV Licence fee and both The Man and I feel that there is very little value for money. OK there are some good ones I have to admit. Coast, anything by David Attenborough, NCIS, and Antiques Roadshow to name a very few.
Is it any wonder then that we go to the movies more here than we ever did at home. And tomorrow we are hoping to go and see Iron Lady, about Maggie Thatcher the woman, not the politician. Some of the movies have been a bit of a let-down too; Hugo and The Imaginarium of Dr Parnasus were ones that were very disappointing.

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