Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 16 January 2012


Monday 16 January 2012
Brrrrrrr another frosty morning and we were well rugged up for our very brisk walk to the station. Some days the bus arrives at the stop just as we are walking past and some days it doesn’t. Not an issue, as the station is not far and we leave in good time to walk there, it is nice though on days like today to be able to wave it down.  Then a short walk to the station and down the three flights of stairs to the station to catch the 0655
Until recently I’ve been walking up all the stairs and escalators, but had to stop because my knee was giving me a lot of pain. I thought that a rest over Christmas would improve it, but it didn’t. No matter how carefully I climbed the stairs or how many steps I took at a time the pain remained. Walking on the flat was OK, but those darn stairs were getting to me.
Right next to the centre where I work are the physio’s rooms and thank goodness Terry had time to fit me in for a quick consult. Bend the knee this way and that way and ouch that way too. Oh I see what the problem is, your ligaments are tight. Let me show you these simple exercises he said and do them as many times a day as you can.
Oh the relief, I’ve only been doing the stretches for the last five days and oh the relief. The pain is  not totally gone but is now much less and I can now go back to getting my morning and evening exercise regime of walking up the escalators and will soon be giving up using the lifts to the first floor to my office and go back to taking he stairs.
Thank goodness for physios.

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