Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 13 January 2012


Friday 13 January 2012
The man was reading something in the paper this morning about the people who work in the blood donor centres will no longer be allowed to gently pat the area where the vein is, to encourage it to ‘pop’ up. This is because they are not allowed to touch the skin. Now I ask you aren’t that taking health and safety issues too far. In the same paper is also an item about a British surgeon who, using technique called keyhole surgery he was attempting to remove a faulty kidney, but instead tried to remove part to the patient’s liver causing a massive haemorrhage and the death of his patient.
Keeping with the medical theme, I tried to book a doctor’s appointment ten days in advance, only to be told, ‘Oh no you cannot book that until after Wednesday, we don’t book that far in advance.’ Not that either of us are sick, but unless we attend for a regular check-up  no more repeat prescriptions will be available. But I’m impressed by the system that the pharmacy has, by registering with them, they will order the next prescription when it is due, and send a text message to tell me that tit is ready to be collected. That is good service.
Tonight before leaving Canary Wharf we went to watch the ice sculptures being made. With, what else but a sports event theme, there were skaters and shot putters, skate boarders and something a bit abstract? On a very chilly night there we were with lots of other spectators watching the artists pare away the ice with chainsaws and assorted electrical tools.  There are some very clever people out there.  
Feeling thoroughly chilled we stopped off at Waitrose (up market supermarket/department store) for what is becoming a regular visit to partake of cheese and ham toasties and chips. Washed down with lattes, in cups please not glasses. I know it’s bit pedantic, but that’s how I like my latte.

1 comment:

  1. I must be a chip off the old block, I dont like my coffee in a glass either, I ask for mine in a cup or mug too.
