Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Whizz bang....

Guy Fawkes night again…seems like it was only a couple of weeks ago that I was writing about it .
Back at home in New Zealand the public display would have been deferred until the following weekend…and here in England?

Why we’ve always had it on the day so of course we will do it on the day.  Our first year living where we do we were nicely entertained by all the fireworks going off for as far as we could see. The man and I live on the fifth floor and our view is pretty extensive. Last year it was a bit less and this year the amount is considerably less again. 

Obviously a reflection of a reduction in peoples disposable income.
Yesterday when I got to work it was to the news that our vaccine fridge had gone haywire and was doing the opposite thing to what it should have been. Not good that as vaccines have to be stored in temperatures between 2 and 8 degrees. And ours was reading 24!! As we didn’t know how long it had been malfunctioning we had to throw out a lot of vaccines. 

There’s a nationwide shortage of yellow fever and typhoid vaccines and I might not be able to order any more.

But let’s not think about tit too much when there re fireworks  happening at he park and we can see them from our lounge window.

From the children's display

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