Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 23 November 2013

I love computors...when I can ge them to work properly

I really do love my technology, I just wish it was easy to fix things when they don't work properly or do things I don't expect.
Good thing my son is on hand to guide me in the right direction.
When I say on hand I mean on skype. Actually he's still back in NZ, staying with his biggest sister for the last few days and hopefully getting a final burst of vitamin D before heading over here.
Now back to the putor probs.
I'd read a hints book about how to temporarily disable the mouse pad to stop the cursor jumping around, and inadvertantley turend off a lot of buttons onthe key pad...OK so restoreto an earlier time to fix that.
Then he helped me to get rid of a nasty adverts page that was askingme to click on it to 'fix the problems on the pc' I don't think so tim. I've been ignoring that one for a while now.
So lots of clicks later and he tells me that he spyware/malware programme could have done it for me. Ah well it was a learning experience.
So now the notebook is running much better and yes I will be doing a virus check as soon as I finishing typing here 

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