Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 8 November 2013

The long way home...

Phew that was a long week.

The man and I have a bit of a r routine for Fridays after he meets me at work.

And that is going for a Starbucks coffee and cake before heading to the station.

So this evening right on cue there we were at Buckys. After spending bit of time people watching we noticed that thee seemed to be more people than usual heading back up the escalator towards the DLR.  We found out when we tried to go to eh train station that there were sever delay  on the Jubilee line, in fact when we got near the station they were closing the gates. 

The route to the other DLR station took us past the entrance to the canary Wharf station and there was a huge crowd at the very top of the escalators so no one was even getting down onto the ticket lobby. So plan B. Off we went to the other DLR and managed to get on a packed train heading towards Bank Station. Then we remembered that we can catch the overground from Shadwell so we got off there and within a few minutes were on our way towards Annerly. From there it was a short wait for a 329 bus which takes us to a stop on our street within 50 metres of our building.

OK so it took us nearly double the amount of time to get back, but the company was good.

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