Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 4 November 2013

Time goes by...

In a day or so our youngest granddaughters will be a whole five years old.
I wrote in her card that it only seemed a very short while ago that she was being introduced to us. 
Now al the grandees are at school.

It was great to be able to chat to her and her Mum and to sing the happy birthday son to her.
We do it for every birthday singing pretty of key too. A tradition started by my father when he would phone and sing it to me.

A couple of days ago it was the 22nd anniversary of the much loved man’s passing. What upset me more than anything was the fact that I had just about forgotten the date. Not that I think he would have thought any the worse of me.

The time is passing so fast seems the older we get the quicker it goes.
I remember the summer school holiday seemed to go on and on and on almost forever.

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