Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 21 November 2013

A bit of this and that...

Canary Wharf is looking pretty Christmassy. The decorated trees are sparkling  and the stores have shaken out all their boxes of deckies  and decked their windows with tinsel and trees. All it needs now is the Santa grotto and some snow.

Talking about the white stuff it certainly feels cold enough for it fingers crossed. The first year we were here it snowed on December first.
The man and I have a ‘train friend’ a chap we met more than a year ago now who has become our travelling buddy between Crystal palace and Canada Water. He’s quite excited a the moment and we are too for him. He’s been looking for a new job for quite a long time. Yesterday he had a very promising interview for a post in China. Well why not he’s single, fancy free and loves China. We’ve got our fingers crossed for him.
Change is on the cards for one of our family too, he’s in his final few day in New Zealand. Son he will be winging it to say a goodbye to his best mate who lives in Oz and then boarding a longer flight bound for our side of the world. We’ll be looking forward to seeing him again, but not as much as a certain lady who live further north.

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