Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 17 November 2013

a bit of a day out...

The Man and I caught a couple of trains today and wound up at the Chelmsford and Essex regimental museum.
And why did we venture out there you might ask?
And I’ll tell you.
My father and grandfather served with them during WWII and WWI
Yes, I’ve been there before, but this time I went armed with my father’s military record for the archivist there to help me to decipher.
And am I any further ahead with understanding it?  Yes.
But I have yet another regimental diary to request from National Archives.
That of the 66th Heavy Ant Aircraft Regiment. I’ll give that a go tomorrow
I’m no closer to finding out why he went AWOL, other than he might have been n transit from one unit to another and got ‘lost’ along the way, probably with some pay in his pocket.
I did find out that the RAOC, Royal Army Ordinance Corps that he first enlisted into is a logistical organisation handling stores and supplies. Then he was transferred to the REME, Royal Electrical and mechanical Engineers probably because in civilian life he had had some technical training.

It was good to finally meet the camp out there who I first corresponded with, by snail mail, almost 20 years ago. I left all the records relating to Dad and his father for their records.

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