Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 14 November 2013

On yer bike ...

Who’d be a cycles in London?
Certainly not me.
Why so?
Well I’ll tell you.
So many of them have been killed lately in collisions with vehicles.

Here’s an extract from the evening paper

A cyclist today became the fifth to die on London’s streets in nine days, as Boris Johnson appealed for riders to obey the “laws of the road”.
At about 11.30pm last night a double-decker 205 bus collided with a male cyclist in Whitechapel High Street. The man suffered serious head injuries and died at The Royal London Hospital early this morning. Thirteen cyclists have now been killed this year.
A Transport for London spokeswoman, asked whether the Mayor was suggesting any of the cyclists who died had jumped red lights, said it was “too early to say”. On November 5, hospital porter Brian Holt was killed in a collision with a HGV in Mile End Road. Last Friday, architecture expert Francis Golding died after a crash involving a coach in Holborn. On Tuesday a man lost his life after a collision with a 410 bus in East Croydon. And yesterday a woman died at Bow roundabout.

And it isn’t compulsory for cyclists to wear helmets either. Go figure that one.
There was talk on the news this morning, or was it yeasted about cyclists undergoing a test similar to a drivers licence…
We’ve got an expression back in NZ for ideas like that…
Yeah Right….

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