Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 10 November 2013

Gonna be a cold night...

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr we might well be in for the first frost tonight if things stay like this.

Clear sky and next to no wind, it’s already down to 6 degrees. And it’s not even five pm yet.  If it wasn’t for the crisscross that look like white chalk lines in the sky you wouldn’t know that there were so many planes coming and going. The sun has gone and the once white lines have turned a dirty grey.

After the wet day yesterday we were all set to see clouds and rain this morning when we got up, and did we? Nope, it has been a clear blue sky day but boy the wind is chilly. We only set foot out of doors today to pop around the corner to a nice little Italian café for lunch…delicious mushroom fettuccini followed by warm apple tart with ice-cream Very yummy. Then a quick trip to the supermarket to replenish the cupboards before hurrying back to the warmth of our little flat.

I left The Man to his own devices yesterday for day two of a genealogy writing course. That’s when I came across those floats for the parade. We had planned that he would come in and meet me afterwards and us two would then meet up with a couple of cousins to watch the end of show fireworks. By lunch time we knew that wasn’t going to happen because of the rain. Probably just as well to because as my writing day finished I could hear the boom of large fireworks, and before I go to the station we were going to meet up at it was all over.
Talking…that is…writing about fireworks, this weekend we’ve seen quite a few pretty displays looking like glittering blooms against the dark of the sky, reds and greens and golds. There is a really pretty one that goes all twinkly and sparkly for quite a long time before it fades out
I wonder if there will be any more tonight.

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