Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 13 November 2013

This and that...

Coldest day of the year today.
Was down to just 2 degrees this morning when we got up. Brrrrrrrrrrr.
Was pretty nice sunrise tho.

Oh and The Man had to go into work a whole hour early. Seems there was some sort of water leak right above something very very very important where he works.
So the alarm went off at five o’clock…yes five o’clock so that he could get to work by seven.
Good thing that doesn’t happen every day.

The Man turned the TV on when we got home and blow me down if it wasn’t an old favourite M*A*S*H. And  a pretty early one at that. Still had Ferret Face Frank and Colonel Henry Blake. Not only that there was a cameo appearance of Alan Alda’s father.  All these years after I first saw it the humour is still funny…well I think so anyway.

The Man and I have just had a lovely Skype with one of our  granddaughter who is on a student exchange in France. I love the technology that allows us to do that. She had a bit of a problem with her host family to begin with, but now that she has a new family things are going well. She is already halfway through her time.
We are looking forward to seeing some of Paris with her and to showing her ‘our’ London.

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