Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Wouldn't you know it...

Well wouldn't you...?
There I am all set to write another thrilling entry and ...hello... where's my trusty notebook?
Still on the kitchen table where I left it. That shouldn't be a problem should it. Out with the trusty iphone doesn't want to connect to my usual Starbucks free wifi. Several frustrating attempts later, it still wants to log in via Nero, a competitors site. Oh well never mind. Starbucks coffee is hot and strong and I have something to read.

What I was going to tirade about today is women (mostly it’s them) on public transport who carry huge bags over their shoulders. Apart from the fact that it will cause them back problems later in life, these bag carries are so inconsiderate when they walk past.
Oh there goes one now and boof!! I get hit on the head or shoulder with that darn bag. Even walking in a crowded street, they are a hazard. Worse still on escalators.  So the question is do these people have no spatial awareness or are they just downright rude.

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