Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 20 October 2011

I remember a song with the line 'History Repeats'

I'd rather read my book on the train on the way in than the newspaper. For one, I don't like the way the ink comes off all over my hands no matter how carefully I handle it. For another I don't think much of the contents. Today was no differrent, but I did read the article The Man pointed out to me about rioting in Athens and here in the UK at a place called Dale Farm where 'travellers' are being evicted from their illegal homes. The Dale farm saga has been going on for 10 years and must have cost the tax payers a firtune in legal costs to-ing and fro-ing.
We went to Athens just a few short weeks ago. One of the highlights was a walk up to the Acropilis and to see the Parthenon. Now here's the repeating thing, thanks for being patient with my ramblings you knew I would get to the point sooner or later didn't you...
All those years BC, yes that's right BC there were wars and the common people paid the price while the Lords in thier ( I was going to say ivory towers but that is a bit too cliche) safe houses directed the battle. Apart from the fact that they were invading someone elses land I don't knwo why they were fighting.
OK, camera roll forward a few thousand years to the age the book I am  reading is set in 1600 and something. So it is a work of fiction by one of my favourite writers, Philippa Gregory ( Virgin Earth) but based on hsitorical fact. Fact,  the King of the time ordered the common people to fight. And they paid the price, taxes were raised to fund the fighting while the King and his court remained  warm snug and well fed (mostly). Roll the reel of film forward to almost any period in history and you will find the rulers commanding the common people to fight for one cause or another, or one excuse or another. Some of them righteous many not.
Got the idea now about history repeating.
Turn the handle on the film machine to my fathers and grandfather's time. Like thousands of thier generation the fought in world wars at the command of powerful rulers.
Where am I going with this you might ask, and whats the connection with the aforementioned riots?

Well here's the thought ...
Rulers and powerful people sent the likes of us common people to war on account of something about the oppostion they don't like or often something that they wanted. Rioters are like those rulers, they want to take something or fight for something. That in itself is not a bad thing. Standing up and fighting for what you believe in is a human right. But when you have rights you also have to have responsibilites.
Resposnibilites towards other people and thier property. Rioting and looting are not synonymous with protest. A few short moths ago there werre riots and looting much closer to where we live. Homes and jobs were destroyed, peoples lives were damaged forever and for what?
The cause of the common people was shamed by an ugly minority who used unrest to stir up trouble for its  own sake rather than to support the cause. Football hooligans are a case in point.

I think what I am trying to say is that violent protest and rioting for its own sake in not on. There is a small minority that think it is and use every opportunity to stir up the common people for thier own ends.
In a simplsitic world wouldn't it  be great if the powerful people of the world could sort out thier differences over a game of chess and a coffe. Instead of using people as pawns in their war games.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, and all this from reading the paper, maybe you should run for parliament and sort everyone out, once and for all
