Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 18 October 2011


Our walk to the staion is now done in the dark, good thing the footpath sweeper machine is at work or it would be very slippery underfoot. The trees are shedding theit leaves thick and fast. Soo we will be able to see the towers of the Dartfird Bridge from our window.
we haven't really missed having a vehicle, getting about in and around London is much easier by public transport and now that we both have freedom passes, ( one of the many benefits of being over 60, just) it is free. And parking does not look like an easy matter.Not to mention the price of fuel and the exorbitant price of insurance. It would cost us almsot three times the amount to insure one car here than it did to cover both vehicles back in NZ. 
Here the insurance company can sell your details to the legal sharks who will contct you if you have an accident and ask you if you want to sue. No wonder the premiums are so high. One of the apprentices who works with The Man wanted to buy a car for about £1500, the isurance per year was twice what the car was worth. How he did it on his apprentices wages I don't know.

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