Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 12 January 2014

Out and about and a memory...

The Man has bought himself a new toy…
No not of the bedroom variety…It’s a metal detector. 
Well he’s been looking for  something apart from me to occupy his time when we do finally get back to new Zealand. So to that end he’s been reading and talking to people about these gadgets before finally making a decision about which one would best do the things he wants. All he needs now is a few fine days to get out in out communal back yard to practice. 

What better thing to do on a very chilly Friday evening than to wander around the London  Ice Sculpting festival. It was a shame that the breezy evening followed a relatively mild day which had the ice melting way too fast and rounding the sharp contours of the creations.
It was a beautiful blue sky day when we, or should I say I got up leaving the Man to snooze a bit longer. So while he snoozed I hit the computer and got on with writing about my grandfather’s war. I don’t have his personal diary, that would be too much to ask for. What I do have is a copy of  the diary of his regiment, and from that I am building a picture of what his time on the western Front might have been like. But you’ll have to wait a bit longer to read about that 

Later we went to Bromley to do a bit of shopping . The bus went past a  pub called The Pawleyne Arms…really it is spelled like that. Doesn’t it look odd.  We also went past a little Chinese takeaway called Auntie Mays…Goodness that brought back a memory. No not the takeaway, the name.
Back in the dark ages when TV was in black and white there was  TV commercial for a brand of cakemixer called a Kenwood. It had a couple of kids in it who were looking over a table full of goodies created using the mixer and the catch phrase was ‘I like going to Auntie Mays.’ Well when my father’s run brought him past our house, he was a driver at that time he would drop in for morning or afternoon tea. If I’d been baking, and I often did back then, that’s what he’d say that to me.

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