Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 5 January 2014

First of my weekly posts

 And a happy new year to you.
I have to admit that it has been a bit of a relief not to have the compulsion to write a post for the blog every single day.
It was a bit odd just going back to work for Tuesday, having Wednesday off and then going back in for two days. Had me thinking Thursday was  Monday.
So what have we been doing this week?
Well work obviously, and despite the fact that is has been a bit chilly there is still no sign of any snow here at Crystal Palace.
Yesterday, Saturday we donned our wet weather gear, hopped on a bus and went to help a friend load up their van because they are moving house. Seeing The Man stowing things in the van took me right back to when him and me were market traders back home in New Zealand. We had a high top Nissan Safari and it would be crammed to the roof with our wares,  sales tables and couple of gazebos. The Man would load up the truck on a Friday night in anticipation of an early start to drive from Fielding where we were living at the time to Wanganui.
We had lots of fun and made a little ready cash into the bargain. One we were set up I’d leave The Man in charge and go have e a bit of a wander around the other stalls, sometimes even buying things to resell. We stocked all sorts of ‘junk’ and shells, hundred and hundreds of shells. It was good time and we often muse about doing it again when we get back home.

This morning I got up just in time to see a beautiful sunrise, a good opportunity to try out the new camera.
Here comes the sun
What do you think of the pic

I’ve spent the afternoon working on the family story concentrating on my paternal grandparents. Trouble is it is so easy for me to get side tracked by an interesting snippet or fact and then go off on a tangent researching and spending even more time on obscure and not directly related facts.

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