Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 18 December 2011

It's in the local paper so it must be true, unfortunately it really is ...

The Man read this information in the local paper yesterday.  
During the Olympics the train drives are asking for and getting, wages are £52,000 per year, deals for extra payment include £1200 each per driver there are 3200 of them, £1000 for the 1000 overground employees and £500 for the 800 maintenance people making a grand cost of £27 million pounds and that in a falling economy, bus drivers on the other hand who are poorly paid by comparison earning £24,000 less than half that of the train drives are asking for £500 for that Olympic period and there are 28,000 of them. The rationale is that they will need that for just turning up to work cost the buses will be so busy
Also recently the train drivers struck for an extra 7% increase per year, and the average income in this country is £24,000
Another item was about a woman who tripped over a piece of litter in Santa’s a Grotto in 2009, seems she  is claiming £30,000 damages from the grotto cos her leg is still not right. It is a very litigious country over here

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