Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 2 November 2011


This morning when I went to put my phone in my bag, it wasn't where I thought it would be. "Bother" I thought "Must have left it at work." Get to work and no it isn't there. "Bother, must be at home after all"

At home tonight, looked high and low and the phone is nowhere in sight. So what do I do but ring it. And...Hello someone answers. Must have dailed wrong.
No I didn't 'cos when I dialed it again, guess what.?

Yup, you got it in one.. Someone answered.
Kid on the other end says I don't know anything about the phone, Mum brought it home.

What next!!! I phone security at work, who will talk to the manager of the cleaning company to see who was working in my office area last night.
Then call the phone company and they 'kill' the phone
Then call the insurance company. They say report it to the police and we will action a claim.
So no prizes for guessing what I'm doing in the morning.

Now and again I had thought that the odd thing was in short supply or not where I left it. Now I am
very suspicious and angry.


  1. no fair, why cant people work hard and buy their own????? and as to security in the job place? well that has obviously gone out the window.

  2. Can't really blame security, they do have to let the cleaners in to diferent parts of the building.It would not have been hard for soemone to pick it up off my desk while they were supposed to be cleaning it.
