Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 5 March 2015

Like the song says 'The Times They are a Changing'

One of our daughters asked me the other day if I was going to continue blogging, and after thinking about it for a while  I decided to give it another go
The time has certainly flown from my last post

There was a reason for stopping the blog...
The Man and I had a cunning plan to arrive home in NZ unannounced and surprise everyone.
And boy did we achieve our goal.
The responses were amazing, from opened mouthed goldfish like silence to screams and tears.
Well worth the secrecy on our part.
So here we are The man and I back on home soil and still wandering about, We bought a caravan back with us from the UK. Well not literally...we had it shipped back.
I'm obviously still in Europe mode because the other day as we were wandering down the main street of Napier I was about to say to The Man, 'Look there's a kiwi flag' then I realised where I was.

Yes, that's him and me enjoying the solitude of our beautiful New Zealand scenery